Getting started with Pricing

Get started with Pricing, now!

The impact of Pricing is significant. It drives growth potential in revenue and profitability and directly influences the Sales performance of your organization. With the right set of pricing capabilities, tools and models, new business opportunities can be uncovered and competitive advantages further strengthened.

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Pricing expertise on demand

90 min

Let us deep-dive into your specific Pricing question.

Pricing Expert Dialogue

Telephone call or virtual conference with one of our Pricing experts. You will profit from a valuable hands-on advice and one-pager that summarizes the top 5 key take-aways of our session.


3 x 2h

Combine Pricing advisory with agile project methods.

Virtual Pricing Sprint

Deep dive & analyse your Pricing challenge based on your input and our research, we will share best practices and provide tools to help you to derive promising solutions for your individual Pricing challenge.

3 x 4h

Highest flexibility, one fixed package price.

Pricing Strategy Workshop

Designed for up-to 6 participants, we develop a value-based price strategy and monetization options for your service & product offerings.

Profit from 2 x 1hr follow-up calls within the period of 3 months after our strategy workshop.

Book a Pricing Expert on Demand

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